Friday, September 10, 2010

Mel has bones

This painting is called Mel has Bones. This painting has a black background and the three horned chameleon's head. Mel is happy. Mel was my three horned chameleon. The left side of his face is green. The right side is orange. The central bottom is purple. His left horn is blue, his middle horn is purple, and his right horn is green. The circles represent his scaly skin. The left eye is purple with a yellow eye ball and the right eye is the opposite. I went to dark to light on this painting. I painted lighter dots on the darker shade at the top. I painted the opposite at the bottom. This painting took 2 sessions. I used acrylic and felt pen marker. Mel stands out because there is a black background behind him. This painting is calm and peaceful. I did this painting because I love chameleons and colors.

Canvas Sheet

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