Friday, November 22, 2013

Elk Zebra

I sketched out a zebra with elk antlers. Then I painted the zebra's stripes in shades of pink: dark pink, medium pink, light pink, and pink. I mainly did the body and the front legs and then started the back legs. I repainted all the pink stripes again to make it stand out better. The orange stripes are bordering all the pink stripes. The stripes are in different shades of orange. The stripes go from dark at the top and to light at the bottom. The colors are: red orange, orange, light orange, and white orange. I repainted all the orange again. I painted and repainted the stripes on the body and legs. I painted the zebra's face mainly orange. The muzzle is red orange. The nostrils are white orange so is the eye. The inner ear is red orange. The top of ear is white orange. The tail is white and red orange. I painted everything two times to make it stand out. I painted half of the background yellow orange. I finished painting the top of the background orange. I painted the whole background orange again to make it brilliant. I painted the zebra's antlers and hooves turquoise blue two times. I painted over the peachy stripes with white. The eye is turquoise blue. I painted the tips of the zebra's antlers white blue. I painted the antlers two times. This painting is called Elk Zebra. This painting was finished on September 21, 2013. I like how the antlers and hooves   stand out against the background.        
Completed: September 21, 2013
Stretched Canvas: 14"x11"                        

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