Monday, March 25, 2013

Chandelier Caribou

I sketched in a caribou and antlers. We put flames on the end of its antlers. I painted most of the background dark brown then repainted the whole background dark brown twice. I cleaned up the antlers with white. I painted the antlers three times to make it intense. The antlers are a rusty orange color. It took a long time to paint because I had to paint the antlers carefully. I painted the caribou's body three times. I painted the top of the body mainly mustard yellow orange for the lightest shade, and two wide stripes a little more orange in the yellow. The next darkest is orange like his face and some on his legs. And the darkest shadows are red orange. The darkest shadows are under his belly, part of the legs, parts of his face, under the ear, and the shadow from his antlers. I painted white first on the highlights, I painted it orange twice to make bright. I also put a couple of highlights on the caribou itself. I painted white flames at the end of each antler and then I repainted white flames twice, then the center yellow orange twice. This painting is called Chandelier Caribou. The caribou stands out from the dark background.


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