This painting is monochromatic. Monochromatic means shades of one color. The monochromatic color is orange. The background color is plain orange. Then I painted the main body of the chameleon red orange. The antlers are white orange. I painted the chameleon's stripes on the back dark red orange. The blotches and the one long stripe is yellow orange. Then I repainted the stripes on the chameleon's back dark red. I repainted the chameleon's main body red orange to cover up the white spots and to make it look better. I painted white on the top of the antler for highlights. Highlights show where the light is shining. I painted the shadow on the bottom and backside of the antlers orange with little black in it. Shadows are where light is not shining on the antlers. I blotched the chameleon's body yellow orange to show that it has scales. The very top of the lizard is more yellow than orange for highlights. I blotched the backside and the underside dark red and red orange. I blotched the eye of the lizard pale yellow orange; then dotted the underside black orange for shades. We shaded the part of the antler black orange where the chameleon is sitting on. I painted the underside of the lizard, under the mouth, and the the ring around the eye orange black for shades. I painted pale yellow orange around the dark ring for highlights, then we put a black dot in the center of the eye. I repainted the shadows on the antlers a darker black orange to make it look better. The painting took 4 sessions to complete because all the details on the chameleon and antlers, plus all the shades of orange on the chameleon and antlers. This painting is very interesting, peaceful, and very warm. Orange, yellow, and red are warm colors. I like this painting because I love chameleons and antlers. It is very interesting because it's monochromatic. I finished this painting on January 4, 2010.
Donated to Eagle Mount
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