Sunday, June 30, 2013

Save the Rhino

I sketched in a rhino face.  The first horn has antlers growing out of it.  I painted the background on the left side and under the rhino a greyish green by adding more green than red.  On the top right of the rhino the background is brownish red by mixing more red than green.  I painted the background twice to make it more intense.  I cleaned up the rhino with white twice.  I painted the rhino’s horns four times to make it vibrant.  The left side of his horn with antlers growing out of it is neon red.  The right horn with antlers growing out is glow in the dark bright green.  I painted the upper head, face a light bright yellow green.  The middle section of his head and face is glow in the dark green.  His lower part of his chin, neck, head, and face is dark green.  His eye is dark green with a very light green line on the bottom of the eye.  There are a couple of very light green spots under his second horn and on his upper face.  Most of his second horn is light green, but has green and dark green on its outer edges.  There is a fin shaped shadow and a very light green highlight next to it.  I painted the rhino three times.  I repainted the rhino’s body one more time.  I painted all the highlights on all the top and right sides.  On the rhino’s left antlers and main horn the highlights are light red or pink.  On the rhino’s right antler and main horn the highlights are very light green.  On top of the rhino’s head from the second horn on the highlights are also a very light green.  There is also a very light green line under the rhino’s chin to make it standout against the dark green background.  I put neon bright red stars in the dark green background.  I also put glow in the dark bright green stars in the dark red background.  This painting was finished on April 1, 2013.  This rhino reminds me of Christmas because its colors are different shades of red and green.  This painting is called Save the Rhino, because rhino’s are almost extinct because people are poaching for their horns. 

For Sale: $70
Completed: April 1, 2013
Stretched Canvas: 20”x16”

Puff Antler

I sketched a pecan with antlers on its head.  A pecan is a bird with a colorful beak.  I painted the background a blue grey by mixing orange and blue.  I painted more orange in a certain spot but blended it in with blue.  I painted the pecan’s face, chest, and antlers white.  I painted the rest of the body, top of head, feathers out of top of eyes, and pupil black.  I painted it two times.  I painted the beaks front half orange red.  The other half of the beak is yellow orange with orange blended on the bottom of beak.  I also painted the beak twice.  I outlined the crease on the beak with red orange and orange.  Then I outlined the middle of beak with red orange and baby blue.  The highlight under the eye is yellow.  I outlined around the eye with baby blue.  The eyeball is a white dot.  I outlined the bird, feathers over eyes, and all right sides and top of antlers with baby blue.  I finished this painting on March 13, 2013.  This painting is called Puff Antler.  This painting is cute, vibrant, and bright.  The antlers look like a moon or icicles because they are white. 

Completed: March 13, 2013
Stretched Canvas: 16”x20”

Monday, June 3, 2013

Antlered Sea Creatures

I sketched out a fish and two snails.  I put antlers on all of them.  I painted a wavy background to represent water.  The background is blue, green, and purple.  I repainted half the background blue, green, and purple.  It took awhile because I had to paint around the antlers.  I painted part of the fish and the snail’s body in shades of yellow, yellow orange, orange, and red orange.  Yellow is the lightest, yellow orange is the next darker shade of yellow. Orange is dark, and red orange is the darkest.  I blended in all the colors on the fish and the snails.  I also finished painting the background.  I repainted the two snails along the bottom in shades of red orange, orange, yellow orange, and yellow.  I repainted the snails again to make them brighter.  I painted the main body of the fish black and bright blue.  Then I fixed up the antlers with white.  I painted shadow lines on the fish’s fins olive green.  On one of the snails I painted olive green on the spiral of the shell.   I painted all the antlers light blue.  The highlights are a much lighter blue.  The highlights continued on the right side and top.  I did some blending and texture on the fish and snails.  I painted red orange closet to the fish’s body, blended orange into red orange, then blended yellow into orange.  I did all the blending on all the fish’s fins.  I did the blending in between the shaded olive green stripes on the fins.  I painted a black line around the fish’s blue stripe and eye.  I painted a big black pupil and then a tiny white dot in the pupil.  On the snails I painted red orange on the outer spirals and yellow on the inner spirals.  I painted their antenna light blue and the highlights a lighter blue.  I painted olive green shade under both the snail’s feet.  I painted the right snail.  I painted olive green line on the spiral.  I finished this painting on March 8, 2013.  This painting is called Antlered Sea creatures. 

For Sale $150
Completed: March 8, 2013
Stretched Canvas: 20”x16”

Snail 1 & 2

Snail I

I sketched in an antlered snail on another small canvas. I painted the background blue. The top is dark blue, the middle is turquoise blue, and the bottom is a light turquoise blue. I cleaned up the edges on the snail and its antlers. I painted the snail in shades of oranges. The first spiral of the snails shell on the outer is yellow, then yellow orange, orange, then red orange on the inner part of the first spiral. On the second spiral on the shell the colors are: yellow, yellow orange, and orange. On the last spiral on the shell the colors are: yellow orange and yellow. The foot of the snail is yellow orange. The snail’s antenna is orange. The snail’s eye is yellow orange on the outer part, then orange on the inner part. The pupil or eyeball is dark red, the same color as the snail’s left antler. The snail’s left antler is dark red, almost dark brown. The snail’s right antler is a little bit dark red, but it is mostly yellow orange.  I painted the snail and its antlers four times to make it vibrant. It took a very long time to paint because I had to paint the snail’s shell and antlers very carefully. I painted highlights on the snail and its antlers. I painted highlights on the antlers first. On the left antler I painted the highlights light dark red almost like dark brown three times to make it stand out. I did the same with the other antler, but the highlights are yellow. The highlight on the foot of snail is yellow. I also painted that three times. I painted the highlights on the snail’s antenna light orange. I paint it two times. I painted highlights on the top of the snail’s shell a light yellow two times to make bright. I finished this painted on February 14, 2013. This painting is called Snail I.

Snail II

I sketched in a snail with antlers. I painted the background on a small canvas. The background is red orange at the top, orange and yellow orange at center, and yellow at the very bottom. I painted the snail in different shades of blue. The colors are: light turquoise, turquoise, blue, and dark blue. The outer shell is light blue, the middle is turquoise blue, and the inner part is dark blue. The second spiral repeats the pattern of the same colors. The snail’s head is turquoise blue. The eye is light blue. The eyeball is super dark blue. The foot of the snail is light blue, but has a dark shadow under the shell. The right antler is light blue and the left antler is super dark blue. I painted the snail and its antlers two times to make it more vibrant. I painted all the highlights twice to make it stand out. On the left antler the highlights are light super dark blue. On the right antler the highlights are very light blue. On the snail’s antenna, over the eye, eyeball, shell and the shell’s spiral are light blue. This painting is called Snail II. This painting was finished on February 22, 2013. This painting is really vibrant because of the blue against an orange background. This painting reminds of oceans. The antlers remind me of wild Montana.

Donated to Be Hopeful Daniel team - Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Man of the Year Campaign

Trophy Madness


I sketched out elk heads and antlers. I painted the back ground in cobalt blue and then repainted it again.  It took awhile because I had to paint around the thin antlers.  I repainted the antlers white to make it look nicer.  The elk head on the top left hand corner has antlers that glow in the dark bright orange and I repainted it twice.  The antlers under that elk head is bright orange.  The elk head under the orange antlers has glow in the dark bright yellow antlers.  On the top right hand corner the elk antlers glow in the dark bright green.  Under that is another elk that has bright yellow antlers. I painted that antler twice.  Next to the yellow antlers there is a big weird deer with antlers that are bright green.  Under the yellow elk antlers is another big weird deer with antlers that are bright orange.  I repainted all the antlers three more times to make it brighter.  It took a very long time because I had to paint the thin antlers very carefully.  I painted highlights on all the antlers.  On all the orange antlers the highlights are light orange.  On all the yellow antlers the highlights are light yellow.  On all the green antlers the highlights are light green.  All the highlights are on the right side and top.  I painted the left bottom elk head neon red three times to make it bright.  The two other elk heads are light blue.  I painted them twice to make it more intense.  I painted the highlights on the red elk head pink.  The highlights on the two blue elk heads are a lighter blue.  On the blue head I put a neon red eye.  On the red head I put a light blue eye.  I finished this painting on February 12, 2013.  This painting is called Trophy Madness

For Sale $65
Completed: February 12, 2013
Stretched Canvas: 12”x24”