3' x 2' |
The first thing I did is sketch in Hoover Dam, the sky, the cliffs, and the Colorado River. I painted the sky mustard yellow, then blend it with orange and red. The right cliff is darker than the left cliff because the sun is not shining on it. The right cliff is dark purple at the bottom. I mixed red and blue and a little bit of black. From halfway up on the right cliff is dark red orange at the top for highlights. The left cliff is dark red at the top for highlights. Then orange underneath the dark red. Under dark red is purple, then darker purple at the bottom for shades. I blended the purple lines jagged for shadows and textures. The right side of the river reflects dark purple from the cliff above it. The middle section of the river reflects orange from the dam. The left side of the river reflects red from the cliff above it and some orange blend into it.
From left to right, I painted the dam from dark purple , red purple, red, lighter red, red, red orange, pure orange, yellow orange, yellow, and lighter yellow. I painted dark purple, red purple, and red orange at the base of the powerhouse. I painted the shadow of the water building in the cliff, dark purple, and also the powerhouse the same color. Both of the buildings where it is lighter are red orange. The round building by the dam at the left hand corner is dark purple, red purple, red, and then orange. The lines in the dam are dark green, green, blue, and then light blue. The lines on the round building is the same color as the dam. I painted white lines on both sides of the cliff. I then painted whites squiggly lines in the river for reflection. I painted over the lines on the red purple area of the cliff green yellow. The purple area of the cliff is yellow. The left cliff has green yellow lines at the bottom, blue green and light blue lines at the top. I painted the powerhouses further back dark and the closest is light. In the powerhouses the windows in the dark purple is dark green. In the red purple area of the powerhouse the windows are yellow green. The spillway building holes are the same color as the powerhouse. The purple side is the same as the left side of the dam with yellow green. The square things at the top of the dam is blue and green. I finished painting the towers on the dam. I painted the portals a bright blue and the other one dark blue. I painted the colors above the river reflected in the water squiggly lines for reflection. I painted the buoys in front of the dam a light baby blue. I painted the outer edge of the portal a dark blue. The under side of the buoys barrier is also dark blue for shadow. I painted baby blue highlight on the bottom of the hole of the right portal and also on the water building too. I outlined the top of the water building green and baby blue and also did the same on the dam. The power grid towers were baby blue. I finished this painting on May 22, 2011. This painting took 7 sessions to complete. This painting is loud, calm, and glows like the moon. All the colors of this painting reminds me of a tie-dye shirt. I used a very big canvas, acrylic paint, and painting brushes.